Greetings Explorers,

To start the series of events to prepare for the launch of Xpansion Game, the DAO has decided to open the VIP ticket sales. So, what are your benefits when owning a VIP ticket and how to buy a VIP ticket? The team behind Xpansion and the DAO support will help you answer these questions.

VIP ticket benefits:

1. Whitelisted to purchase Land NFTs Mega Pack (passed)

A mega land pack includes 3 pieces of Land NFTs, which can stake in the game to earn XPS tokens and resources. VIP holders are whitelisted to buy one Land NFT mega pack when opening sales on Nefty Blocks.

2. Whitelisted to purchase Equipment NFTs Mega Pack (passed)

A mega equipment pack includes 6 pieces of Equipment NFTs, which can stake in the game to earn resources. The resources are required to upgrade Land NFTs to higher rankings. VIP holders are whitelisted to buy one Equipment NFT mega pack when opening sales on Nefty Blocks.

3. Whitelisted to purchase ALL future NFTs sales in new planets

Xpansion starts with one planet Kepler 22B. However, it will open new planets gradually in the future. VIP ticket holders will enjoy being whitelisted in all future NFT sales of the game.

4. Automatically whitelisted for NFT airdrops

NFT airdrops often have many requirements for participants. VIP ticket holders do not need to worry about these steps as they are automatically whitelisted.

5. Stake VIP tickets to the game to mine resources

6. Participate in the IDO VIP round

VIP sale starts from Nov 10th 14:00 UTC (1 click 1 pack every 5 hours)

Number of VIP tickets for sale: 200 tickets (sold out)

For future NFT opening sales, there may be more VIP tickets to be released. However, the total number of VIP tickets will not exceed a maximum number of 2000 tickets to keep the rarity of the VIP tickets.

You can start ordering right now on Nefty Blocks at (sold out)

Number of VIP tickets for sale: 1000 tickets (sold out)

You can start ordering right now on Nefty Blocks at (sold out)

Secondary Market Link: NeftBlocks – VIP Tickets

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