Story of Diggers World

Diggers World is a P2E project on the WAX Blockchain, and the project has a well-thought-out economic model.

In the game, players can mine valuable resources, such as iron, sulfur, and diamonds. They work hard by using bombs, pickaxes, and jackhammers. Diggers World has 3 types of mining: safe, dangerous and risky. Some miners choose safe mining because they do not want to put on a risk everything they have. Others prefer trying their luck and choose risky mining. The bravest miners put everything on the line.

Currently Active Utilities

Diggers World is the first game where players have a chance to lose their tools. The dangerous mine mechanic is a new mechanic that has not been used before. There are legendary tools that can be obtained only by dangerous mining.

  • Between February and April 2022, smart contracts for the project were completed, and the NFTs of Diggers World were created. Then, the social media channels of the game were released.
  • In April 2022, the website of the project was created, and free promo drops were presented by the team behind Diggers World. Also, collaborations and partnerships were considered by the team, and Diggers World got whitelisting on Atomic Hub.  

Upcoming Utilities

There will be frequent game updates, every 2-3 weeks in the project.

In May 2022:

  • “Access to the mine” pass sale
  • Social media marketing
  • Open/Closed beta version of the game
  • Main pack sale
  • Game launch (in 1 week after Main pack sale)

In June 2022 and future dates:

  • Aggressive marketing
  • Scheduled game updates
  • Introducing new tools
  • Mobile app launch
  • New burning mechanism
  • New game mode
  • Adding new mechanics “Mining sections”

*The first upcoming utility is ‘Diamond Rush’, and the details of the utility will be shared on the whitepaper of Diggers World.

Earning Mechanism & Tokenomics

  • In Diggers World, there are 3 main types of tools: Pickaxes, Bombs, and Jackhammers.
  • There are 4 types of rarity in the game: common, rare, epic, and legendary.
  • There are in-game currencies called Iron, Sulfur, and Diamond.
  • DWD, DWS, and DWI are tokens.

All tokens can be purchased/sold on the Alcor exchange.

All tokens from the crafting, repairing, and withdrawal commission are burned. Only 1% of the withdrawal commission is saved to sustain game resources (RAM, NET, CPU).

To start playing, players need at least one tool. Players can get the tool in different ways: open a tools pack, buy a tool on the secondary market, or craft a tool in the game for in-game resources.

To craft, your selected tool you need firstly deposit tokens to the game. Then, select the tool and click on the “craft” button. Make sure you have enough in-game resources to craft the tool.

All tokens that are used for crafting tools will be burned.

Upcoming Sale

The Main Sale event will occur on the 10th of May, 16:00 UTC.

There will be only 3 types of tool chest: Promo chest – 1 tool, Small chest- 1 tool, Big chest – 3 tools.

The tool chests are distributed in three ways:

1. Pass holders:

600 Big Chests. Price 149 $

600 Small Chests. Price: 59 $

2. Promo chest holders:

150 Small Chests. Price 59 $

3. Public sale:

250 Small Chests. Price 59 $

Upcoming Sale Whitelist Condition

Whitelist condition depends on the holding of the pass and promo chest.

The snapshot of the Pass holders and Promo Chest holders will be on 10th May 2022, 15:00 UTC.

Team Details

The team consists of 3 members. They are from different European countries. One of them is responsible for game development, one of them is a creative director and the last one interacts with the community.



