The Sandbox is partnering with Toei Animation to bring popular Japanese animations into the metaverse. Collaborating with Minto Inc, the trio aims to provide fans with exhilarating experiences and huge chances to collect their favorite animation characters as NFTs.
Toei Animation x The Sandbox
Popular Japanese animation company, Toei Animation, is entering the metaverse via The Sandbox for a more intense virtual reality experience! This means that characters from the brands’ cartoon series will be featured on The Sandbox metaverse, and fans will be able to enjoy them in Web3 shows.
This isn’t surprising at all because The Sandbox has been expanding its universe and making the landscape unpredictable and fun by collaborating with brands, companies, and more.
Also, Toei is not a new name in the anime space, as they’ve produced various adventurous animations including internationally loved series, like Digimon and Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai.
So, Toei x The Sandbox is a partnership to look forward to.
Here’s what this recent alliance with Toei Animation means: from now on, users will be able to explore new LAND, play, and trade alongside a vast range of all Toei Animation’s characters!
Shedding more light on the collaboration, Toei Animation’s managing director, Satoshi Shinohara stated the team’s excitement to partner with The Sandbox and Minto Inc. In addition, he stated:
“I am confident that the “Fleet” we have assembled will be able to discover new continents and new routes that will guide the entertainment industry for years to come.”
To celebrate this, The Sandbox is providing an exclusive limited-edition NFT collection to the first 1000 people to register.
To claim your new collectibles courtesy of the Toei Animation partnership, visit the platform here.