Ubisoft, renowned video game developer, has recently made a significant move into the Web3 gaming domain. The company has announced an inaugural blockchain-powered game known as ‘’Champions Tactics: Grimoria Chronicles’’. This innovative title is poised to make its debut on the Oasys blockchain.


In February 2022, Oasys was founded with the support of several companies, namely Sega, Ubisoft, and so on. This blockchain is specifically designed for the gaming industry and offers its expertise in that domain.

The trailer for Ubisoft’s upcoming game, Champions Tactics: Grimoria Chronicles, has been revealed. This new title, described as a role-playing game, is currently in developmental stages, and it will released on PC. 

This game requires players to form a group of legendary Champions. This will enable them to partake in strategic encounters with other players, uncovering the tales of Grimoria, the shadowy realm.

While specifics of the game’s blockchain features have not been provided yet, it is expected that the champions will be some form of collectible NFTs.


Unlike other games that incorporate blockchain technology, the release of Champions Tactics has been met with a tepid reception. Although the new trailer has garnered thousands of views, overall excitement has been limited. Maybe it’s because of recent events, like the discovery that Super Mario hosts crypto-related malware.

The comments accompanying the video predominantly express negativity. Some Web3 enthusiasts have shown interest in the coming game because they are happy that Ubisoft is exploring the potential of Web3 games. While others have expressed their disappointment; they believe that Ubisoft’s increased focus on Web3 technology is contributing to a decline in their reputation and player satisfaction.

Final Words

Ubisoft has been very active in the Web3 space, although not all of its initiatives have gone as planned. One of its endeavors was Project Q, which had to be discontinued because it was no longer popular. However, Ubisoft’s commitment to the Web3 space has been unwavering. 

The company recently introduced Rabbids NFT collection for The Sandbox, showcasing its continued engagement with innovative technologies and digital experiences. Now, it is releasing this thrilling game. We hope that it will be successful, and we will see more of such initiatives.