Idexo, a leading blockchain platform, has announced its new OpenAI integration that enables users to generate non-fungible tokens (NFTs) by using a simple web form. The integration with Zapier, a tool that enables individuals to seamlessly integrate the web applications they use and streamline their processes through automation, makes it possible to create NFTs on a variety of web formats, such as Google, Shopify, and Hubspot.

About Idexo

Idexo (IDO) is a platform that empowers NFT holders to put their tokens to use in any way they see fit. The goal of Idexo is to simplify the process of incorporating blockchain technology into any application and utilizing NFTs for various purposes. 

Generating NFTs Through Forms

The integration has already been demonstrated on various form-generating platforms. The new system is aimed at unlocking more use cases for customers at any stage of their interaction with a business in an ever-growing market.

The Idexo OpenAI NFT creation platform, through its integration with Zapier, supports various online tools and works with multiple blockchain networks, including Polygon, Arbitrum, BNBChain, Ethereum, Fantom, OKC, and Avalanche.

Exciting Technology for Marketers

According to Greg Marlin, the CEO and CTO of Idexo, the new technology is a game-changer for marketers and businesses looking to boost conversion. He emphasized that AI and NFTs will play a significant role in marketing in 2023, and what Idexo has done makes it easy for companies to start their marketing drives and see results quickly and easily.

Battle-Tested and Ready to Go

The system is being used in the whitelist of the upcoming Sword of Blood NFT sale scheduled for February 1st. The Hubspot form allows users to generate NFTs while signing up for the whitelist. The company is using the NFT launch to showcase the potential of the OpenAI form-generated NFTs.

Customizable and Easy to Use

The OpenAI form-minting system can be paired with pre-minting, enabling businesses to establish various automated processes. The system can be set to trigger transactions based on specific actions, such as pre-minting during the order creation process or immediately after a lead is generated. Additionally, it can be configured to allow for the minted NFT to be claimed by another user in a subsequent step.