Cankaya Blockchain Community is an outstanding assemblage that got famous with amazing projects and events in the blockchain industry. This community is now preparing another innovation!

This new event of Cankaya Blockchain Community is called Anadolu Blockchain Meetings in which enthusiasts and professionals of blockchain technology, national and global crypto asset exchanges, crypto asset brands traded on blockchain technology, in short, the whole blockchain world in Anatolia will be gathered together. Behind Anadolu Blockchain Meetings, there is the important goal of Cankaya Blockchain Community: Creating a large network in Anatolia and educating people about blockchain technology.

The current state and future of NFTs, Ulascan Deniz Genc, Co-Founder of NFT Horizon

The first Anatolia Blockchain Meeting was held in Kızılay, Ankara which is the capital city of Turkey. There were various traders and influencers from the field. Furthermore, this event got into focus for different student clubs and the representative of UniveChain which is a great university community in the field.

Trading Strategies, Sharkcrypto, Co-founder of Altcointurk

In this first edition, there were five knowledgeable speakers: Ulascan Deniz Genc who is the co-founder of NFT Horizon, Anil Karacay who is the founder and chairman of Cankaya Blockchain Community, Ekrem Orung who is the community manager of LBank Turkey, Bugra Ayan who is the founder and chairman of Web3 Association, and Sharkcrypto who is the co-founder of Altcointurk.

The transition from Web2 to Web3, Bugra Ayan, Founder and chairman of Web3 Association

For the next editions of Anadolu Blockchain Meetings, preparations are started by Cankaya Blockchain Community. These next meetings will be held in different cities of Anatolia in the coming months! In these meetings, wider audiences are on the target, so different concepts will be applied.



