Tron launches a $100 fund for artificial intelligence (AI); this fund for developing AI will enable developers to create more applications on Tron by using AI tools, like ChatGPT. This is shortly after Justin Sun announced his plans to create a payment system that integrates Tron and ChatGPT. 

Tron is paving the way for AI-blockchain integration with this $100 million AI development fund and will encourage both backend and frontend developers to use nascent AI tools.

The push to integrate AI with blockchain will strengthen the security and efficiency of blockchain, especially for DeFi, and will revolutionize decentralized commerce.

From Tron’s immediate priorities or interests, experts believe that the AI development fund will focus on supporting developers who are building an AI-infused oracle, AI-generated content apps, AI-informed investment management services, and an AI service payment platform.

This is because Tron is currently planning to integrate AI-infused oracles with BitTorrent Chain, its layer 1 blockchain, and its decentralized BTFS file storage system.

Tron is also infusing AI with content to innovate NFT creation on the Tron blockchain. This will make it easier for users to customize and personalize NFTs because the integration will analyze typed textual requirements or existing NFT content. 

For investment management services on the Tron network, AI will help develop intelligent trading algorithms, create more dynamic trading strategies, conduct market trend real-time analysis of market trends, and improve user safety. In the area of payment, AI will strengthen security and improve efficiency making payment seamless on the network. 

While these are key interest areas for the fund, the team is also open to receiving applications from developers working on other exciting innovative projects. Their driving force is the hope that this fund will inspire many developers to use AI to build applications on the Tron blockchain.