1. Could you tell us about you and how you joined the NFT world?

Hello everyone, my name is Raul but friends and community call me Maxy. I am 24 years old and I live in Romania. Been through two universities but I ended up teaching them more than they teached me (lol). So I gave up on college and decided to work exclusively online. However, I started around 12 years ago when YouTube or social media wasn’t even a thing yet. I do marketing, advertising and I’m a good graphic designer. I love working on the front-end and I am involved in various other industries, not only crypto and NFTs.

Joined crypto world more than 6 years ago, been there selling XRP at 3$ in 2017 and I’m still here! My thoughts are that crypto technology and Bitcoin and whatever is happening right now in the financial global world, is one of the most important plans ever created by the human race. And the way things are moving overwhelms you. You literally blink twice and you miss an opportunity. And this is a thing I personally love about crypto!

  1. Where does this idea of your NFT come from? How did you come up with such a concept?

Being used to having a lot of communities, brainstormed MaxyLab two years ago, when I only wanted to present my portfolio as I was working with multiple companies from  various industries already. In time as I’ve learned more and more about nfts and crypto I’ve decided to completely rebrand MaxyLab and turn it into a marketing/advertising launchpad exclusively on crypto, and exclusively for strong projects and talented artists which we are promoting through community contests. We will be sharing their revenue by selling their artworks with our skills and collaborative twists that we have in mind to build up. 

  1. How does it work, how people can mine?

The  process is easy. As you join our discord server and of course read and agree our rules, you are instantly eligible to mine maxcoins in various ways: 

  • Chatting in the main lounge. One message per 30 seconds cooldown in the main lounge will get you 1 maxcoin.  
  • Pushing $work command in #the-lab will get you 2~5 maxcoins every 30 minutes.
  • And then our special feature built for golden membership card holders, hourly $collect function that will grant them +15 maxcoins.
  • And sure, more features to come when we get our custom bot public.

Golden Membership is built similar to battle passes. Holders are eligible for airdrops, full shop availability, private channels, private auctions and useful information or upcoming releases. 

Every year we will be releasing new memberships with better and improved perks and of course special treatment  for goldies too! (Community knows haha)

  1. What is your project’s aim, what are you planning to achieve?

We have many things in plan and we are definitely not rushing anywhere. For now we are focused on developing our custom bot that every discord community involved within NFTs on multichain could use. Our focus stays on WAX and BSC as the fees are insignificant. Shop and economy will work globally and project owners will be able to list their NFTs on our shop by agreeing to partnership with.

We have currently two partnerships going on, one with a nice browser cryptogame called CryptoBlades, where their team are supplying our shop frequently with their in-game currency which, after purchasing, will be redeemed within Metamask wallet.

And then we have our very first partnership with a project within Wax, AtomicBattle, where their team constantly supplies our shop with their project nfts.

However, there are so many more collabs to come!

  1. Is there anything new on the horizon, like new NFTs, upgrades and such plans?

Yes ! Make sure to check the new sticker packs that we will be releasing later today! I will leave here a link for enthusiasts;


  1. Would you like to add anything else about you and your NFT?

 I’d love to end the interview with a quote that I love adding in my works always, which is in latin and it says : life is short but art is forever.

– Ars longa, vita brevis –